
9-night Rome, Cinque Terre, Florence & Venice trip with flights from $1,826

Tripmasters is currently offering a customizable vacation through four of Italy’s most popular cities from $1,826.46 including airfare. This sample rate is based on travel departing from New York City in September 2024, priced within the last 7 days. Prices vary based on the date and departure city. With this deal, Tripmasters is allowing you the freedom to pick how many nights you would like to stay in each location.

The 9-night sample itinerary includes:

  • Flight into Rome and out of Venice
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Rome
  • Train from Rome to La Spezia
  • Hotel for 2 nights in the Cinque Terre Area
  • Train from La Spezia to Florence
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Florence
  • Train from Florence to Venice
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Venice

The flexible itinerary allows you to choose a time frame that works best for your schedule. You may also add many different sightseeing tours and other tourist attractions to your trip for an additional fee. For example, you could start in Rome and visit historical attractions such as the Roman Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine. When you visit the breathtaking “5-city” coastal region of Cinque Terre, take a boatride at sunset. Then, head to Florence for a tour of art museums, palaces and churches. End your trip to Venice with a relaxing gondola ride through the city.

Keep in mind that the airfare portion of the itinerary price is based on economy class, midweek departure. The prices listed for each itinerary will vary according to departure city and dates.

But act fast: This deal could end at any time and you must book by June 30 to take advantage of this discounted pricing! Here’s what to consider when picking a tour company.

If you’d rather plan your own trip from start to finish, check out Going (formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights) for international flight deals.

See Clark’s travel planning and booking guide for the best tips on stress-free travel, and check out for trip insurance.

Note that by clicking the link, you are visiting a 3rd party website. Clark Deals is not a retailer and does not fulfill any orders or bookings. See more on our FAQ page here.

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