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What happens to your online accounts after you die?

What happens to your online accounts after you die?
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The modern digital era brings with it a lot of new challenges. For example, what happens to your accounts, usernames, and passwords when you die?

Google has a solution. They’ve rolled out the poorly named Inactive Account Manager as a feature if you’re in the Google orbit.

I activated my Inactive Account Manager and designated a couple trusted individuals who have access to all my Google activities. I set mine for 90 days. After 90 days of no activity on my accounts, my designees will get all my info to access everything I have on Google.

I hope Facebook will follow their lead and come up with a method to allow trusted family and friends to have access to take over a page in a similar way.

In the past, people have just given log-in info to trusted parties. There should be an official procedure though. People’s web presence is so much a part of our lives now. If you are a Google person, go to Google and type in Inactive Account Manager on your Account Settings page so you can turn this on too.

We never know when we will expire, right? So this is way to make sure loved ones will be able to handle a lot of our stuff for us when we no can longer do it.

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