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Get free food on your birthday

Get free food on your birthday
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1.  Search and sign up. Search for your favorite restaurants on the Internet.  Sign up for ALL the e-clubs, birthday clubs, frequent shopper programs that they have.

Most of the ones who participate will send you something on your birthday, something just for signing up, and some even send you something on your ‘anniversary’ when you signed up.  I sign up for them one month before my birthday, knowing that my benefits will overlap the following years—I’ll get something free in September (on the anniversary) and also get a coupon for something free for my birthday (usually a week before it shows up in my email).

Use GoogleMaps too!!  You’ll find new restaurants near you that you never knew existed, and you can try something from them for free if they have an e-club or similar!!

2.  Search for ‘free’ on Facebook.  [Hit a] like [on] ‘I love freebies’, ‘I crave freebies’, ‘freebies 4 mom’ and any others you can find.  They are all pretty good at posting free things, and reminding you the day before and the day of for specific promotions.

3.  Plan ahead of time. Check expiration dates of anything you have a coupon or credit for.  Get the ones that expire first before the others.  If you have to go to Midtown from the suburbs to get it, plan a day where you will already be going to Midtown to get that free item.  Don’t drive too far to get something free – if you wasted more in gas getting there, it’s not really that free now, is it?

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