
Prime Student members get a FREE Grubhub+ Student membership

Save $10 per month

Right now, Prime student members can get a free Grubhub+ Student membership. Get unlimited free delivery, earn 10% Grubhub+ cash on off-campus orders and pick-ups plus more perks and donation matching! Grubhub+ normally costs $9.99 per month and you get it for free with this deal!

Just sign up with Prime Student, activate your Grubhub+ account and enjoy your perks! You can keep your free Grubhub+ offer as long as your Prime Student membership is active. Free delivery is applicable on $12+ at eligible restaurants. New Prime Student members get a free 6-month trial of Prime then pay just $6.49 a month.

This offer is for Prime Student members only and can end at any time.

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